Alkalay, Avraham (Jacques)

Alkalay, Avraham (Jacques)

Avraham (Jacques), son of Mazal and Ya’akov Alkalay, was born on March 6, 1927 in Flaven, Bulgaria. He was a member of the “Hechalutz Hatza’ir” youth movement and was the secretary of his local branch for four years, and during World War II he suffered greatly from the persecution of the pro-Nazi regime. Avraham made aliyah in 1946. In the winter of 1947-8, he participated in battles in the Galilee in the Oded Battalion, attempting to rectify what he viewed as the failure of previous generations to do. Avraham fell on the 5th of Sivan, 12.6.1948, in battles to halt the Syrians in the area of ​​Mishmar Hayarden and was buried in Rosh Pina. On the 28th of Kislev 5712 (December 7, 1950) he was laid to rest at the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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