Alihiv, Mahmud

Alihiv, Mahmud

Sanai and Hassan’s oldest son. Mahmoud was born on July 1, 1936 in Israel, the eldest brother of three brothers. A member of the Bedouin community whose family lived in a traditional encampment in the village of Mughar in the Galilee. Mahmoud grew up in his native village. He was a wise boy, a handsome boy, loved to help others and was very popular with his village. As a youth, before the establishment of the State of Israel, Mahmud volunteered to serve in the Palmach as a tracker, and after the establishment of the IDF he served in the minorities unit of the 300th Brigade.
n 1955, Mahmud married with the choice of his heart Ghazala. The couple built their home in Ma’ar, and over the years they had four sons and two daughters. Mahmoud was a loyal father and husband, a man whose main hobby was farming and planting fruit trees. On July 7, 1963, Mahmud enlisted in the Israel Police and served as a police officer and tracker. Later, he was transferred to the Border Police, Company Z and Company H. He was a very good and loyal soldier who wore his uniform proudly, lived in a barracks in the base, , During which he received medals in recognition of his role in capturing infiltrators in a face-to-face battle, and in pursuits where terrorists were captured or killed for his resourcefulness in managing and directing the forces, while on September 19, 1966 he participated in the pursuit of a terrorist squad in Ramot Naftali Policeman Mahmud Alhayeb was killed in operational activity on January 25, 1968. During a patrol south-east of Kibbutz Ashdot Ya’akov, the half-track that he was traveling on exploded, Mahmud was killed on the spot and other members of the vehicle were wounded. At the time of his death, he was thirty-two years old. Mahmoud was laid to rest in the cemetery in the village of Mughar. He left behind his parents and brothers, a wife and six children. Mahmoud was awarded the Medal of Honor for his devotion to the mission. Mahmoud’s three brothers and two of his children continued his career and served in the security forces, the IDF, the police and the Border Police.

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