Algamis Yosef (“Yossi”, “Joe”, “Yosipchi”)

Algamis Yosef (“Yossi”, “Joe”, “Yosipchi”)

Son of Nissim and Clara. Born on December 24, 1944 in Jerusalem, his parents raised his child in a national spirit, and completed his elementary studies at the Tachkemoni Elementary School, after which he completed his high school studies at the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem. In July 1963 he was drafted into the IDF. After the basic training period, he underwent a reconnaissance course and even a course for reconnaissance commanders, which he completed as an outstanding trainee. His parents would beg him to free himself from the army and return home to the quiet life, but he replied: “What will happen to the state if we all sit at home?” In his position as deputy lieutenant, he discovered brotherhood and devotion to the cause and became a symbol of all his subordinates; Although he was strict with his subordinates, as the discipline demanded, he found kindness in the hours outside the framework and found time to listen to every soldier who brought his problems. With great efficiency and speed he would do everything he was assigned. In the Battle of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip on the first day of the battles, on the 5th of Iyar 5727 (June 5, 1967), Yosef fell while heading a reconnaissance team in his assault on the enemy position. He was buried in the emergency cemetery in Bari and later transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. After they fell they were promoted to captain. His name was mentioned in the books: “Exposed in the Turret” to Shabtai Tevet and “Six Days of Glory” to Golan. Also included in “Armored Patrol” and his picture is in “Armored Corps.”

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