Alexandrovich, Dov

Alexandrovich, Dov

Son of Dvora and Shmuel-Ya’akov was born in 1922 in Czestochowa, Poland. In his youth his parents emigrated to France. Dov graduated from school in Paris and began working as a sales clerk. He was a member of a Zionist youth movement and dreamed of immigrating to Israel, but the fate of European Jewry caught up with him in 1940. Dov was taken to labor camps – and his fortunes and youth were to pass the five years of servitude and hard labor. Upon the liberation, he devoted himself to active Zionist work and to preparing his aliyah. He separated from his parents who remained in the Diaspora and immigrated to Israel in November 1946 aboard the Latrun. The ship was captured by the British and its passengers were sent to Cyprus. He was released four months later, arrived in Israel, joined the ranks of the Haganah immediately, joined the ranks of the Haganah and later joined the IDF and served in the “Kiryati” brigade. Dov was killed in a battle in Deir Tarif during Operation Danny, on Thursday, (12.7.1948). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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