Alexandrovich, Avinoam

Alexandrovich, Avinoam

Avinoam, son of Shifra and Hanoch, was born on 28.10.1948 in Haifa. He completed his studies in an elementary school in Haifa and later studied at the Iron High School in Hadera. Avinoam was a modest and pleasant man. He had a tenderness of mind and radiated benevolence and love around him. Thanks to his gentleness, he gained many friends and was accepted in every society he found himself in. He was at school and later in his military service. When he was thirteen, his father died and it affected his character and the course of his life. He was sent to the agricultural school in Hadera, where he soon became popular with his teachers and teachers and loved his classmates. He was in close contact with his mother, who remained alone and took upon himself to help her run the business, which was the family’s source of income. When he finished his studies in Hadera, he began dating his girlfriend, Mira, who eventually married her. Avinoam was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early August 1967. After completing basic training he completed a course for tank drivers and an artillery course and was appointed as a tank crew member in the 7th Brigade in the War of Attrition in the Sinai. In early August 1970, Avinoam was discharged from regular service and assigned to an armored unit of the Armored Corps, and after his discharge from the regular army he was sent to the army. He worked as a plant operator in the fish factory And his son and daughter, the twins, who were born about a year before the Yom Kippur War broke out, and during the Yom Kippur War, his unit participated in the battles of containment and infiltration against the Egyptians in the Sinai. To the besieged strongholds on the banks of the Suez Canal, battles in which the unit suffered heavy losses On October 8, 1973, during an attempted break-in at the Firdan Bridge, Avinoam was killed and killed and brought to eternal rest in the Haifa cemetery. Survived by a wife, son and daughter, mother and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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