Albalak, Shmuel

Albalak, Shmuel

Shmuel, son of Esther and Yosef Albalak, was born in the city of Jerusalem in 1927. After six years of elementary school, he was forced to start working as a tailor’s assistant to help his parents, and in his neighborhood he was one of the activists in the cultural life. A short training session was given to the fighting units in the vicinity of Jerusalem, and Shmuel took part in the battles to conquer the Castel and held it with his unit during a strong counter-attack by the gangs. On the night of April 7-8, 1948, the Arab forces carried out a fierce attack to capture the body of their leader. Shmuel, who remained with his commander to cover up the retreat of his comrades and causing heavy casualties to the enemy, was killed. He was buried in the cemetery at Ma’ale Hachamisha and on the 19th of Kislev 5714 (19.11.1953), was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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