Albalak, Rahamim (Ramon)

Albalak, Rahamim (Ramon)

Rahamim, son of Simcha and Shlomo Albalak, was born on December 11, 1922 in Jerusalem to a well-known Sephardic family, and after graduating from elementary school he worked as a plumber and later as an assistant to a Jerusalem film company. He joined the Haganah and participated in the filming of the Israeli film “Adama.” On November 29, 1948, he left his civil service and enlisted in full mobilization. He served in the Jerusalem Brigade and participated in operations in Sheikh Jarrah and in other operations, as a saboteur and as a fighter. In particular, he specialized in the use of heavy machine guns. When the Hadassah and Hebrew University buildings were attacked on Mount Scopus – two days after the explosion on son of Yehuda Street – he was among the first to feel the need to help the victims. On the night of February 25-26, a force from the Moriah battalion took over the Wadi Joz neighborhood and blew up several houses. In this raid he fell on the 15th of Adar I 5708 (25 February 1948), and was buried in Sanhedria. On the fifteenth of Cheshvan 5711 (15.11.1951) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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