Alaluf, Aharon

Alaluf, Aharon

Son of Ninet and Moshe, was born on the 10th of Tevet 5724 (10.1.1964) in Ashkelon. He was a member of a large family. The father was in charge of a club on behalf of the Ashkelon municipality. Aharon attended the Masada elementary school in his city, continued at the WIZO school in Rehovot, and completed his studies at the Johanna Jabotinsky High School, where he joined the IDF in early January 1982. After completing basic training and taking part During the Peace for Galilee War, he was stationed at a brigade headquarters in the Eilat area. On the 29th of Tishrei 5749 (29.9.1983) he fell during his service and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Ashkelon. He left five parents (one of them serving in the regular army) and three sisters. In a letter of condolence to the grieving family, his commander wrote among other things: “He was very popular with his friends and was willing at all times to invest his time and energy to help and contribute”

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