Akiva, Adel

Akiva, Adel

Son of Nissim and Victoria. He was born in 1948 in Baghdad, Iraq, as a son of a family of workers, and immigrated to Israel with his family while he was still a baby and attended the Ramat Warbar elementary school and the vocational high school in Petach Tikvah. He was a good, diligent and persistent student, and was naturally a quiet and reasonable boy who was always ready to help any friend and anyone in general, and had successfully completed his studies at the vocational training school. 1967 and was assigned to the Armored Corps. He was a brave soldier, an excellent gunner and a model friend. On November 23, 1969, he was killed by an Egyptian ambush in the area of ​​the Suez Canal. He was buried in the cemetery in Petah Tikva. In the letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the commander of the unit wrote, “Adal is an ordinary gunner who has worked hard to reach a high professional level and was proud to belong to an excellent team, He was always obedient and ready, trying to make sure that his tank was always in full shape, ready and equipped, his achievements were always high, I knew and knew other commanders as well, that a gunman like Adel could be trusted and his friends remembered him as a loyal friend. He was tired and never had a hard time helping others – he left the tank last and only when he was ready and fired He was recently awarded the rank of sergeant – a degree of honor for a fighter from the Suez Canal, and only yesterday he fell on the banks of the Suez Canal, and he is brave and quiet as usual. , On Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva and Haifa, passes along the canal, and as a hero fell Adel, it will always remain in our memory, its members and commanders. “

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