Aharoni (Grover), Aharon

Aharoni (Grover), Aharon

Was born in March 1928 in Sarny, Poland, and immigrated to Israel in 1934. As a member of a religious family, he began attending the Bilu religious elementary school, the Moriah religious high school, and the Bnei Akiva yeshiva in Kfar Haroeh. Aharon joined the Bnei Akiva religious youth movement and was active in its ranks. For a living he worked as a printing press. He was a member of the “Haganah” and in 1946 he completed a course in the “Haganah.” From the beginning of the War of Independence, He served as a machine gunner in the reinforcements’ division, which came to the neighborhood and was given an important role in repelling the attack, and was sent to Jerusalem with his unit and took part in battles in the city. By an Arab sniper during his tour of battle positions in Talpiot, he was taken to a hospital on April 3, 1948, died of his wounds, and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Sanhedria.

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