Aharoni, Aharon

Aharoni, Aharon

Aharon, son of Miriam and Abraham, was born on the 22nd of Kislev 5709 (22.6.1949) in Afula. And attended elementary school and high school at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan. He was a diligent student who had adapted well to the school framework, even though it had previously evolved from one educational framework to another. He was a bright-eyed, fair-haired young man, strong, and was devoted and ready at all times to help others. Everyone loved him and nicknamed him “Aharaleh.” He was serious in his approach to life and dedicated to his work, both in his home and outside, as part of his year of service in Kibbutz Sde Boker and afterward, when he dealt with youth in distress in Jerusalem and Dimona. His sensitivity to youth in distress stemmed largely from the fact that he himself was orphaned from his father at an early age and raised and educated by adoptive families, first with a family in Ben Shemen and later in Ramat Yohanan. He was devoted to his mother and respected her except when – he volunteered to a combat unit in the IDF, despite being an only child. Aharon was drafted into the IDF in early November 1968 and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training and a course for tank commanders, he was assigned to the Armored Corps and was awarded the rank of sergeant. He was an excellent soldier and a loyal comrade. During the Yom Kippur War, Aharon participated in the braking battles against the Syrians, who tried to break into the country’s borders. On the 7th of Tishrei 5734 (October 7, 1973), when Aharon fought with his unit in the area of ​​Nafach in the Golan Heights, the tank that commanded him was hit directly and he was killed. He was laid to rest at the cemetery in Ramat Yohanan. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. One of his commanders wrote: “Aharon was loved by all those who knew him, and he carried out everything that was entrusted to him with great devotion and responsibility.” His family issued a memorial booklet called “Aharale” in his memory.

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