Ahaly, Yosef (Sefi)

Ahaly, Yosef (Sefi)

Son of Hadassa and Yitzchak was born in Tel Aviv on the 9th of Tammuz, June 23, 1928. He spent his early years in Rishon Letzion and Gedera, home to his grandfather, Binyamin Fox. While he was a tender boy, his father, who was a teacher and emissary of the Jewish National Fund, died. He went to the school for the children of workers, in the Mahanot Haolim movement. Being in Kibbutz Givat Hashlosha brought him closer to the idea of ​​kibbutz life. From the Kadouri Agricultural School, he moved to a training life in Kibbutz Geva, and from there to Kibbutz Kfar Giladi. After a hard day’s work, he often read in the evenings, and studied his professional studies. He loved nature, was connected to the field and the space, loved to hike, climb mountains, enjoy the beauty of the landscape. Joseph was active in the social life of Hachshara, a member of the Culture Committee, but devoted most of his time to military training, after he was appointed commander of a Palmach squad, and a counselor at northern points. His training group merged with the Hechalutz group from South Africa, and settled in Ma’ayan Baruch. At the outbreak of the war, he served as a commander in the Palmach’s Third Battalion (the “Yiftah” Brigade). The attack on the Nabi Yosha police force, took place on the 19th and 20th of April 1948. The saboteurs broke through the fences, approached the building and began placing explosives. There were many casualties. Yosef was killed on the 11th of Iyar, April 20, 1948. He was brought to eternal rest in Nebi Yosha.

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