Agami, Ezra

Agami, Ezra

Son of Kadouri and Georgia. He was born in 1932 in Baghdad, Iraq, where he completed his elementary school, then studied trade and became a silversmith, and in 1951 immigrated to Israel with his family, who moved to Kfar Saba. During his service he married and eventually had four children. Family life was hard and bad. For a while they lived with his wife’s parents, and only after 6c years of great effort did he buy a one-room house in Jaffa. Even when his son was born (after the birth of his eldest daughter), he had financial problems and had to perform circumcision at his brother-in-law’s house. In spite of all the hardships he was a good husband, a devoted father and a kind and kind man and with the exception of those closest to him, no one knew about the hardships of his life. He was called for periods of reserve service and also participated in the Sinai and the Six-Day War. On the last day of March 1970 he was sent to the Canal Zone. On April 18, 1970, he fell in enemy attack. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul

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