Adobe, Leon

Adobe, Leon

Ben Zilber and Julia. He was born on the 23rd of Sivan 5714 (23.6.1954) in Lod. Due to the difficult living conditions in the immigrant town, Leon did not receive regular education. He stopped elementary school and went to work to help support his family. For a certain period of time he worked at the Telrad electronics factory in Lod, and spent three years at the Greenberg workshop in that city. Leon loved life and did not miss any opportunity to hear cheerful music – especially Mediterranean music. Yes a lot watch movies. He had a special hobby: growing wild animals. Again and again he brought wild animals to his yard and took care of their food and nurturing them. Despite physical and economic difficulties, Leon grew up and became a healthy and happy young man. He married Sultana and set up his home in his hometown. He gave her great love and expected the day when he would raise his children. However, he did not neglect his parents’ home. “Leon is my shoulder,” his father declared, and his mother Leon was as indulgent as he could. One of his sisters testified that she had served as her caregiver and guide in life and that she could rely on him at any time of distress. Although he received an exemption from defense service, Leon insisted that he be allowed to contribute his share in defending his country. At the end of January 1975, he was called up for an active reserve duty, but only three weeks passed and his fate worsened: he fell in the line of duty on 3 February 1975. He was laid to rest in the Lod cemetery, Parents, brothers and sisters, and his daughter, who was born after his death, was named after him: In spite of Leon’s brief service in the unit, he was a disciplined and sympathetic soldier over his comrades and commanders.

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