Adler, Yaakov (Ernest)

Adler, Yaakov (Ernest)

Yaakov (Ernest), son of Yocheved and Issachar Adler, was born on February 2, 1914, in the town of Schleictern near Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Yaakov immigrated to Israel in 1938. In 1941, he enlisted in the Jewish Legion of the British Army (“Bafs”), then moved to the Jewish Brigade, fought in the Italian front and took part in the conquest, In May 1948 Yaakov joined the Israel Defense Forces and participated in the battles of Latrun and the opening of the Burma Road, where he was transferred to the Galilee and was awarded the rank of First Private to the Galilee. On the 6th of Tishrei, 5709 (9.10.1948) his battalion set out on a tour to Tarshiha. The squad was suddenly attacked and all its members were killed. The next day the bodies of his comrades were found, while he was missing for a month. On November 9, 1948, his body was found on Balaton Hill near Tarshiha. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Nahariya. He was survived by a wife and a one-year-old child.

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