Adiv, Shmuel

Adiv, Shmuel

Son of Rina and Yosef. Born on March 18, 1959 in Hod Hasharon as the fifth child in the family, his parents, one of the founders of the Gil Amal neighborhood in Hod Hasharon, raised their children to the love of the homeland, and described this brave family as ” “Shmulik studied at the school,” Shmulik studied at the school. “Shmulik studied at the school. He graduated from the elementary school in Hod Hasharon and completed his studies in electronics at the Mossinzon High School in Magdiel, Hod Hasharon. “He was a very sociable guy. He was always at the center of social activity, an organizer of all social events, even though he lacked leadership qualities. He was a very strong guy. His shoulders are very broad and he is very kind. “His brother says that from childhood Shmulik was very independent in every field he dealt with, he was talented and intelligent and showed talent in mathematics, and played soccer and was interested in literature. Shmulik was drafted into the IDF in September 1977, and all he wanted was to serve in a combat unit, during which time Shmulik was injured two times: once in the eye and once in the face when an RPG rocket exploded, leaving a scar in his face. , But when he was released from the hospital he stood up and fell in. He appeared in a very proud home with the paratrooper’s wings on his uniform, and in July 1979 Shmulik Kors completed his infantry officers and began his career as an excellent officer with a strong desire to succeed, On which he is responsible. He is considered to be a commander with a broad, dependable vision, showing great sensitivity to people. His progress in the course of roles and ranks was swift and safe. In July 1980, Shmulik was awarded the rank of lieutenant, and in March 1982 he rose to the rank of captain. And so he progressed until, on Israel’s 40th Independence Day, in 1988, his shoulders were decorated with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Shmulik, who began his army service as a squad commander in the Nahal Brigade, continued as a platoon commander, deputy company commander, company commander, deputy battalion commander, instructor at the officers’ school, a brigade officer. In 1982, Shmulik married Yehudit, and eventually they had two sons, Assaf and Elad. He studied at the School of Command and Staff in 1984 and later studied general history at Tel Aviv University, where Shmulik graduated with a master’s degree in his army, in the personal example he gave with daring, determination and dedication. , And was one of the first to storm and liquidate the terrorists who tried to infiltrate the country in a flourishing ball in 1981. Shmulik also commanded the rescue of Givati ​​soldiers after a commander and another officer were killed. IDF, Shmulik eliminated the other terrorist, who landed in the security zone. When Shmulik was appointed to his last post, a battalion commander in Givati, he promised that the northern border would be blocked. And no one will be able to pass through to our settlements. Indeed, he and his subordinates spent nights and days to keep this promise. A few months before his fall, Shmulik charged his subordinates with two terrorist squads and liquidated them and prevented another squad from reaching the northern border. On October 26, 1988, Lieutenant Colonel Shmulik Adiv was killed in a battle for the defense of the northern communities, and was killed on Har Dov when he attacked his terrorist squad with his subordinates.Fired through the perimeter fence, encountered terrorists and developed a battle. Shmulik fell in this battle, but his soldiers completed the mission and liquidated the terrorist squad. Lieutenant Colonel Adiv was laid to rest in the military section of the Magdiel cemetery. He was twenty-nine years old when he fell. He left behind a wife, two sons, two parents, three sisters – Massa, Rachel, Lilach and three brothers – Hai, son of and Yair. In his eulogy, GOC Southern Command Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Mordechai said: “I am sorry for you, my friend, a fighter and the commander of Givati, you represent the commander of the brigade, who believes in the way we go, ready for long and difficult service, The personal example was inherent in you all along, the desire and the ability to prove as commander, fighter, and especially as Givati-Givati ​​battalion commander whom you loved – are excellent fighting systems and asset to the people of Israel. “President Chaim Herzog wrote: A battalion commander who was at the head of his assaulting soldiers fell when the last words of Lt. Col. Shmulik Adiv were ‘forward assaulted’. This was always the tradition of the IDF and will always be – this is the secret of the IDF’s success when the commanders are always the first. “Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir noted that Shmuel was” a fighter in the Israeli army, his heroism and sacrifice will be remembered forever. “Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin wrote: “Lieutenant Colonel Adolph Shmulik gave his life for his homeland. He was a leader of the first rank, showed determination in carrying out the tasks, performed his duties with devotion, faith and daring. “Acting Prime Minister Shimon Peres wrote:” When Shmulik rushed to head his troops on their way to the northern border, one of our best sons fell. His heroism will serve as a symbol and a model for generations to come. The IDF and the State of Israel. ” The Givati ​​brigade commander said: “Shmulik was the only one who embodied all the aspirations and mitzvot that the Givati ​​Brigade has. Shmulik, for us, is a legend of tradition that must be given to every commander and fighter. “Brig. Gen. Yehuda Duvdevani said:” Lieutenant Colonel Adiv Shmulik Hy “d – reintroduced the new and young Givati ​​Legacy and set up procedures for its establishment and organization. Former IDF Northern Command Major General (res.) Yossi Peled, who knew Shmulik well, wrote: “Shmulik, for me, had a sweating shirt, dust in shoes and lightning in my eyes. Israel and the murderous terrorists who seek their lives … Shmulik was the force that goes at night to carry out missions with a finger on the trigger … He was a generation of fighters who have all the good and the beauty of our youth. ” His memory was commemorated in a number of ways: a memorial park called “Gan Shmulik”, in which Gilad was established, in his memory in the settlement of Alfei Menashe; Another monument was erected by his unit in the north of the country, near the place where he fell; The Southern Command published a pamphlet in his memory, bearing the name “Shmulik”, which included a review of his life and his way in the army, and eulogy; And the cultural room in the Ketziot camp was named after him. In addition, it was dedicated to one of the ‘Olive Leaf’ books; The Jewish student organization in Rome planted a tree in its memory and named it in one of the forests of the Jewish National Fund.

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