Ades, Mordechai

Ades, Mordechai

Was born on October 18, 1925, in the city of Aram-Tzuba (Aleppo), Syria, a descendant of an affluent and well-heeled family in Syria and Iraq, and served in the post- And in 1944 he immigrated to Israel by land with a group of young people and joined a training program in the framework of the Palmach, first in Gvat, And later at Ramat David. When he completed his service in the Palmach, he moved to his uncle’s home in Haifa for a while, was a member of Maccabi and continued his activities in the Palmach’s “Reserve”. He was sent to battle in Kiryat Anavim on June 10, 1948. One day before the first truce, he was seriously wounded and two days later, on the 12th of Sivan 5708 (June 12, 1948) 1948), died of his wounds. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim.

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