Adelson, Daniel (Danny)

Adelson, Daniel (Danny)

Daniel (Danny), son of Sarah and David, was born on August 5, 1945 in Kibbutz Beit Zera, He was a cheerful, playful boy, disciplined and devoted to his parents. From childhood, he was diligent in his studies and achieved excellent achievements. Many times, during and after school, his friends remember him sitting in a corner, confined to a professional book, studying and acquiring knowledge. Danny was active in the Hashomer Hatza’ir movement and in the Gadna Air Force, and was a great athlete, played tennis, achieved achievements and won trophies in athletics, Danny was a strong, healthy guy with a solid, muscular physique. Daniel was drafted into the IDF in mid-August 1963 and served in the Armored Corps, and was a commander of the Sherman tank, and after that, he was commander of the Centurion tank. Daniel was one of the best instructors and was familiar with the technical solutions he had devised and performed when tank mishaps were discovered, and he was greatly admired by his commanders and subordinates at the Armored Corps School. After his military service, he returned to Beit Zera and built his home there, where he married a wife, worked in the agriculture and studied at the Technion. His favorite hobby was the assembly of speaker systems and recordings, and thus he combined a hobby in electrical engineering, which he studied at the Technion, and applied his knowledge of this field to his home, in the recording area for the holidays and events in the kibbutz. Danny never abandoned sports, and even added a new branch, which he liked very much – diving. He loved diving most of all and spent a lot of time on this sport in the last years of his life.
, Daniel discovered a lot of activity: studying, working in a senior position in the kibbutz plastic factory, diving, devoted care of his two sons, and developing hobbies – speaker systems and recordings. With his diligence and inexhaustible energy, and with his many knowledge, Danny overcame the heavy burden. During the Yom Kippur War, Danny was a tank commander in the northern sector of the Suez Canal on October 8, 1973. He was hit and killed by an artillery bombardment of the Egyptians during a tank attack in the battles in the Kantara region and brought to eternal rest in the Beit- seed. He left behind a wife and two sons. After his death, he was promoted to the rank of sergeant.

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