Acoca, Eliran

Acoca, Eliran

Ben Yaffa and Ilan David. He was born on May 12, 1985 in Beit Shean. Brother to Yochai, Maor and Liraz. A smiling child, kind, full of joy and laughing a lot. He did his studies in his city, in the religious public school “Shaul Hamelech”, and at the “Ort” school in memory of Zalman Aran. In his home, Eliran was educated on the legacy of the Navy, and sat transfixed by the stories and experiences of his father, the navy veteran, when he returned from reserve duty. He cherished the stories and the memories, and concluded that he would serve in the navy as well. When the recruitment deadline approached, Eliran chose to take a pre-military course. He was drafted into the IDF on 17 November 2003, and after basic training he underwent a number of training courses in various types of vehicles: Eliran did everything to realize his dream and to wear his white uniform, Tel Ridan “in Gush Katif – a post that was established during his father’s regular service, twenty-five years before, his determination paid off, and when he began serving in the outpost he told everyone that he was in heaven. For every mission, on December 30, 2004, Eliran embarked on his last mission from which he did not return. Yelut, on his way back to the outpost in Tel Katifa, was overturned by a jeep he was driving for an unknown reason, and his friend, who was traveling with him, was seriously injured. Hundreds of soldiers and commanders from the naval base where he served, family members, friends and residents participated in the funeral procession, and the mayor of Beit She’an and many public figures also came to share their last honor with Eliran.

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