Abulnik, Yoram
Yoram, son of Avraham and Chava Abulnik, was in 1947 in Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh and later moved with his family to Kibutz Einat. As a young adult, he belonged to the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement. In August 1966, Yoram was drafted into the IDF, and after eleven months of training was sent to a patrol unit in the Armored Corps. It was on the first day of fighting of the Six-Day War when the jeep Yoram was traveling in was hit by a direct shell of the enemy. He and his two combat comrades were killed on the spot. It was the 26th of Iyar (5.6.1967). He was buried in the emergency military cemetery in Bari and was later transferred to the Einat cemetery near Kibbutz Einat.