Abuelzaf, Baha

Abuelzaf, Baha

Ben Maha and Hussein. He was born on January 23, 1983 in Haifa. A brother to Susan, Wael, Mer, and Jumana. Baha grew up in Isfiya. He began his studies at the B elementary school in the village and went on to the ORT Ronson High School, also in Isfiya and completed it with great success. Baha was very active socially and stood out as a leader and leader. For six consecutive years he served as the representative of the local youth council, was chairman of the student council, and in grades 8-12 he was a member of the group of young counselors and was a counselor at the summer camps of He was very warm and noble, he was very self-disciplined and loved to help others, and he was very sensitive to the subject, writing and writing poetry and writing many poems. He was an impressive playwright and appeared in several plays in the drama club at the community center. He had a unique sense of humor and everyone wanted his closeness. During his studies he joined Gadna in order to continue to contribute to his community life, such as: Be responsible, initiator, serious, dedicated and considerate He joined the IDF in late November 2001, but served only half a year. His many ambitions and plans were abruptly cut off. On April 15, 2002, Baha fell in a road accident at the age of nineteen. He was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in his village of Isfiya. Survived by his parents, brother and three sisters.

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