Abu Zidan, Yasser

Abu Zidan, Yasser

The eldest son of Hamza and Semia. Yasser was born in Kafr Majar on March 15, 1957. From his youth, Yasser was patched by his father, who took him everywhere to teach him knowledge. From the earliest years of his life he was a gentle child who expressed his talent with a brush. Yasser attended elementary school in his native village of Majar, and went on to a high school in the village of Rama. He was a diligent student who combined studies, social activities, and family assistance. Yasser enlisted in the security forces in 1974. He served in the 300th Brigade. He served in Shomera, Gaza and in Beirut. During the service he passed a course for squad commanders. In 1977, Yasser married Nada. The couple had three sons: Ayman, Rizk and Adham. They decided to build their home in his native village of Majar. Yasser toured the village and chose a place on the side of the mountain, so that every window in his home offers a wonderful view of the green vegetation and blue of the Sea of ​​Galilee, with the landscape crossing the national water carrier. But Yasser did not enjoy his home. On 30 July 1978, Yasser volunteered for permanent service in the Border Police. He went through courses and training courses that authorized him to be a department sergeant. Yassar had a natural leadership ability, and his subordinates and commanders liked the natural sense of humor that stood out in the unit, and when the company entered Lebanon after the first Tsur disaster, the sentence he used was: “We are all together “After the unit returned from operational activity, he volunteered to host the fighters:” I make coffee, everyone comes to me, “he said, and the fighters stayed with him until the wee hours of the night, enthralling them with Yaffa folk tales Yasser’s great talent was painting, he painted landscapes of the Galilee and the countryside, and he had plans to register for my studies Dishes. But this was not done because of the hard work in the Border Police. An art gallery in Tel Aviv invited Yasser to present his paintings in the exhibition, but he was unable to respond to the request because the unit entered Lebanon. Sergeant Yasser fell in the second Tire disaster. During the Peace for Galilee War, while the IDF was operating against the PLO and Hizballah organizations in Lebanon, the Border Police acted in collaboration with the General Security Service in the eradication of terrorist cells in the city of Tire. The fighters were housed in a facility that had two two-story buildings. On Friday, November 4, 1983, at 6:00 am, a pickup truck drove from the Rosh Hanikra-Zur road to the facility, which was surrounded by a dirt embankment and a perimeter fence and was secured with constant protection. The pickup truck drove the gunner’s suspicion and opened fire. Another guard who noticed the incident also opened fire at the suspect. Despite the fire, the truck broke through the entrance gate to the facility and entered between the two buildings. The suicide bomber detonated the 500 kilograms of explosives in the car and caused the buildings to collapse. Sixty people were killed, including twenty-eight members of the security establishment, including Yasser. Yasser was twenty-six years old when he died. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in his native village of Magar. Survived a widow and three children. Yasser’s commander said in the obituary: “You were a symbol and an example, we lost a dedicated policeman, full of spirit of volunteerism and a willingness to fulfill any order he was given.” To this day, Yasser’s magnificent frescoes are scattered in dining rooms and cultural rooms of the Border Police units throughout the country, drawing a serenity and calm on the environment, thus leaving Yasser a memorial seal for his friends and commanders

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