Abu Rahamim

Abu Rahamim

Rahamim, ben Rachel and Shimon, was born in 1944 in Fez, Morocco. He was six when the family immigrated to Israel and settled in the Malcha neighborhood of Jerusalem and later moved to the Musrara neighborhood. Rahamim was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of February 1962. He completed a parachuting course and was decorated with the wings of a paratrooper. In December 1962, Rahmu(Rahamim) took a sabotage course in the Engineering Corps. At the end of August 1964, he was released from the army as a”disciplined, responsible, soldier” During the Six-Day War, Rahmu took part in battles in his city. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, he took part in the fighting in the Suez area. On the 3rd of Heshvon, March 29, 1973, Rahmu was injured in a mine explosion and died of his wounds. He was brought to eternal rest in the Mount Herzl cemetery, leaving behind a wife and three daughters, a mother, two brothers and a sister. After his death, his commander wrote to him: “… Rachamim, of blessed memory, served with dedication and sacrifice. ” The family donated a Torah scroll to commemorate his memory. He was a model husband and a loving and dedicated father.

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