Abu Mansour, Galeb

Abu Mansour, Galeb

Son of Kokab and Salah. Galeb was born on July 1, 1951, in the Druze village of Beit Jann. Son of a family of nine children. He attended elementary school in his native village. Afterward he studied for two years in high school, with a theoretical track, but stopped his studies in order to work and help his extended family. In January 1969, Galev was drafted into a military service and assigned to serve in the Minorities Unit, where he served as a combatant and fulfilled his duties in the best possible way. As a result, he was asked and agreed to serve for another year in the career army. On July 2, 1975, Galev volunteered for permanent service in the Border Police, completed a training course for combat soldiers and began serving as a combat soldier in various operational units in the north. In 1977 he was transferred to serve in the company as a soldier, and as a combat soldier, he was sent by his commanders to a driving course, at the end of which he began to function as a combat driver, and his friends in the unit testified that he was a comfortable person who performed every task very seriously, His wife Fauzia married Galeb in 1976, and in the following years they had three children, who took care of his family best, and spared no effort to give the family everything they needed. As a combat driver, Staff Sergeant Galeb fell in the second Tire disaster during the Peace for Galilee war, while the IDF was active against a And the Hizbullah in Lebanon, the Border Police acted in cooperation with the Shin Bet security service to liquidate terrorist nests in the city of Tire, and the soldiers were housed in a facility with two two-story buildings On Friday, 4 November 1983, at 06:00, a pickup truck from the Rosh Hanikra- The vehicle, which was surrounded by an earth embankment and a perimeter fence, was secured with constant guard, and the driver, who was driving quickly, aroused the suspicion of the gunner and opened fire at him, while another guard, who noticed the incident, opened fire on the suspicious vehicle. The buildings. The suicide bomber detonated the 500 kg of explosives in the vehicle and caused the buildings to collapse. Sixty people were killed, including twenty-eight members of the defense establishment, among them Galeb. Galeb was thirty-two years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in a family plot in the village of Beit Jann. He left behind a wife – Fawzia and three children – Maha, Suha and Mandoma. “The tragedy in Tire is the cruel fact that we must part forever from GALB, and it will be a long time before we get used to the fact that it does not give peace, because it is absent from us, and we no longer see it as a company. Was very fond of his comrades in the unit, and each position filled with great enthusiasm and satisfaction of his commanders “

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