Abu-Fakhr, Fahmi

Abu-Fakhr, Fahmi

Son of Nassib and Foudia. He was born on February 2, 1949 and studied at the elementary school in Isfiya. He was a quiet boy by nature, as his classmates testified. He excelled in his kindness and loyalty to his family. He always helped his family, his relatives, and his friends faithfully. He took care of his grandmother, who lived alone and was often with her. In order not to be alone he slept with her. Until the end of 1967 he lived with his family in Isfiya and later moved to Eilat, where he continued to help his family with many children. He was careful to observe the customs of his religion and was very sociable. Although he had not been educated, he was very intelligent and relied on his natural instincts that had guided him all his life. Fahmi was conscripted into the IDF at the end of November 1969. On December 30, 1970, he fell while serving in Neot Hakikar in the Arava and was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Isfiya.

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