Abu-Aziz, Asher

Abu-Aziz, Asher

Their son is the eldest son of Shlomo and Solika. Born in 1941 in Casablanca, Morocco, he studied in a French school in Casablanca in 1956. In 1955, he immigrated to Israel and settled with his family in the Galilee town of Hatzor, where he continued to study for two more years in the Kfar Hassidim youth village. In the Hatzor diamond factory, always caring for his family and helping them find a way to assimilate and settle in Israel, who was drafted into the IDF in November 1958 and joined the paratroopers. After he was released from regular service, he married a wife and moved to Jerusalem. He was a devoted father and loyal husband, always able to find the way to help others with the little he had and for that everyone loved him. He took an active part in the Six-Day War. On April 14, 1972, he fell in reserve duty while serving in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and was followed by a wife and four children. During his years of service, Asher was a model soldier and accepted by his comrades. He fulfilled his duties faithfully and devotedly and carried out every task assigned to him. “

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