Abramson, David (“Dudu”)

Abramson, David (“Dudu”)

Son of Yosef and Rachel, a member of Kinneret since its founding. He was born on the 11th of Kislev, 5703 (11.2.1933) in the Sea of ​​Galilee. He completed his studies in the elementary school in his moshavah and because of his inclination to mechanics he entered the vocational school “Amal” in Tiberias. But he was unable to complete his studies there, since his brothers and brothers-in-law had left for the defense system, and upon him, as a young man, he was tasked with attracting the burden of the agriculture. Quiet, humble and humble in all his ways. When his enlistment in the IDF came to an air force in November 1950, his parents objected to this, after his brother-in-law, Mordechai Alon, died in an air accident during the “Ten Plagues” campaign. After completing his service in the army, he signed a year of regular service to complete his knowledge of flying, and this year he said to return to his parents’ farm, because he had always regarded the work of the land as the future of his life. To his parents’ farm, was not fulfilled, since on May 16, 1953, he fell in the line of duty with his fellow navigator Arnon Nol, who was brought to eternal rest in the Bachner cemetery . Posthumously promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Grove of pines planted in memory Jerusalemites David and his Arnon.

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