Abramowitz, Meir

Abramowitz, Meir

Son of-Dvora-Ester and David-Yosef was born on January 9, 1931 in Tel Aviv, where he studied at a religious school and was accepted to work as a clerk at the Mizrahi bank, in order to ease the burden of supporting his parents. He attended the evening classes at the Gymnasia in the city, was active in the Bnei Akiva youth movement and trained in Gadna, out of an understanding of the need and purpose. When the Arab attacks on the Jewish settlement began, he added a year to his age and enlisted in the Givati ​​Brigade. Meir went out with his friends in the religious unit of the Hagash to defend son of Shemen, where he trained and served as a cabbage and saboteur and performed dangerous missions with courage and without hesitation On the day of the 14th of Iyar 5708 (23.5.1948) The mine exploded during the dismantling and Meir was killed in the explosion, and was brought to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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