Abramowitz, Julian

Abramowitz, Julian

Julian, son of Deborah and Abraham Abramowitz, was born on January 20, 1951, in Jassy, Romania. In 1964 he immigrated to Israel with his family. In Israel he completed his studies at the elementary school at Kibbutz Nitzanim and in 1966 when he moved with his parents to the Montefiore neighborhood of Tel Aviv, he attended the Alliance Israelite Universelle (Alliance). Julian was a friendly and pleasant boy. He knew how to win over acquaintances and friends, and managed to win friends wherever he went. “Julian represents the vision of the State of Israel regarding the ingathering of the exiles, and before he knew the language of the land, he was already fully involved in the social life and became the first to do anything.” Julian had a personal charm and was blessed with beauty. He also had good manners in foreign style. People trusted him very easily. Many would come to him and share their problems, and would tell him their secrets without fear, since his credibility was beyond doubt. He loved people and was always ready to help in times of need. He was able to listen to someone who had been patiently talking for hours, genuinely sympathetic to his fate, and finally, he could advise and find a solution, or at least say things that might encourage and console him. His friends remember him as a man of inexhaustible energy, always preoccupied with something. Julian had a developed technical sense and there was no broken instrument or devise, which he couldn’t figure out how to repair and reactivate. His great energy found him dismantled in sports. He was very enthusiastic about sports, dedicated many hours of his time and even achieved real achievements in this field. He began to devote himself to the sport before enlisting in regular service, because he wanted to reach the IDF physically prepared for the great effort required of a person who chose to serve in a combat field unit. Julian was drafted into the IDF in early August 1970 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training he was sent to a Basic Course in the Armored Corps. He was very successful and was assigned to a reconnaissance company in an armored brigade, and his commanders appreciated him as a good person and as an excellent soldier who could perform his duty properly anywhere and in any situation. Julian was a social attraction in his unit, and his friends loved to be with him, To chat and eat together Everyone knew that Julian always can be trusted and he would not lose his temper even in the darkest hours. Indeed when the time comes the ultimate test, as he stood facing the enemy, Julian proved that he deserves the trust placed in him.
During the Yom Kippur War, Julian took part in the heavy battles that our forces waged against the Egyptians on the southern front. He took part in the bitter battles that took place along the Suez Canal. On the 10th of Tishrei 5734 (10.10.1973), when his company attacked the entrenched infantry forces, in the battle of the “Braga” compound east of the Suez Canal, Julian was hit in the chest and died of his wounds. He left behind his parents and brother Zvika, and was buried in Kiryat Shaul. After his fall he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant

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