Abramov, Menachem (Oleg)

Abramov, Menachem (Oleg)

The eldest son of Luba and Yuri was born on July 17, 1961. In his childhood, Oleg was known for his talents, and his parents enrolled him in a school for gifted children, and Oleg was a diligent student, “When he was about to join the army, Oleg joined a group of students from the boarding school and volunteered to serve in the paratroop brigade. He served as a medic and was loved by his commanders and friends. Every role assigned to him, he fulfilled with devotion and devotion. In addition, he volunteered for every mission, beyond what was required of him. When he was discharged from the army, he returned to Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk, who adopted his Nahal Brigade, and worked in the fishing industry, but planned to study at the Technion in the computer program and made all the necessary preparations to start his studies. When he made his way through an IDF convoy, accompanied by an armored personnel carrier and a jeep, a roadside bomb was detonated at the entrance to the village east of Tire. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. He left behind his parents and two brothers

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