Abramov, Israel (Vyacheslav)

Abramov, Israel (Vyacheslav)

Son of Sonya and Yehoshua, was born on the 27th of Tishrei 5729 (27.9.1963) in the city of Koach in the Soviet Union, where he completed his studies at the elementary school, Where he studied for one year at the WIZO School in Afula, and was later accepted to the ORT school in Netanya and completed his high school studies at the Eiron School in Hadera He completed a course for soccer judges, and was awarded a second degree in football refereeing in Tel Aviv in 1982. Israel loved to chew He took a bike ride from Or Akiva to Tiberias and from there to Acre, Haifa and back to Or Akiva, and before he joined the army, he volunteered for activities in the Civil Guard and received a certificate of appreciation from the Israel Police for his activities In order to prevent delinquency among youth, before he was drafted into the IDF, Israel completed a course for fitness instructors in Wingate, but when he was recruited, he asked to serve in a combat unit. He was stationed in an Air Force anti-aircraft unit for a period of time, and Israel served with his unit in Lebanon On August 24, 1983, Israel was killed in a road accident while performing his duty in Lebanon and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Or Akiva He left behind his parents, brother and sister, and his parents set up a trough in the commercial center of Or Akiva to quench the passions of the passersby, and they wished to commemorate their son

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