Abraham, Pekedo (Michael)

Abraham, Pekedo (Michael)

Ben is singing and working. Was born on January 1, 1976 in Ethiopia, to Vorka, said Elias and Yitzhak. At the end of April 1981, Pekudeo immigrated to Israel with his family, and soon settled in Be’er Sheva. He began his studies at the “Shepherd” elementary school in Sderot, continued at the Horev Elementary School in Be’er Sheva and completed his studies at the “Makif Hashem” High School in Be’er Sheva. At the beginning of July 1995, he joined the IDF and became a warehouse manager in the paratroopers’ supply company, and he was buried at the Be’er Sheva cemetery on December 25, 1996, when he was twenty years old. “In his letter of condolence to the family, Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin-Shahak wrote:” Pekedu (Michael) was described by his commanders as a responsible soldier who carried out his duties diligently and devotedly, and quickly became popular among his commanders and friends. Will always be in our hearts. ” The commander of the unit added, “Pekudeau arrived at the brigade supply company about six months ago and quickly integrated into it, a quiet but prominent soldier among his comrades … We all felt that in addition to being a good soldier, The Ethiopian family lost a loved one, a loved one and a source of pride. “Dear family, We will remember his commander, taller than your life and full of joy of life. Which we believe he would like us to continue. “

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