Abdullah, Yazid

Abdullah, Yazid

Ben Nahad and Mofid. Was born on January 15, 1973, in the village of Kasra in Merom HaGalil, to a family with many children. Yazid began his studies at Kesra Elementary School and graduated from the Amel Merkaz HaGalil Comprehensive High School in the academic track with a matriculation certificate. From childhood he was a member of the Scouts movement and took part in all the activities, trips and camps, until the completion of his elementary studies. He later joined the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement. In leisure he initiated social and sports activities. He had a penchant for writing poems and he collected many books of poetry and suspense books. Yazid was educated in a traditional society, in a warm home. He was a focal point between his friends and friends in junior high and high school. All around him, they all banded together, spent time together, investing in studies and work, mutual respect and mutual help. Among his friends he was honored for the discretion he always found. They consulted him with their problems and received a sympathetic ear and wise advice. Said his teacher in the twelfth grade, Mr. Shwei Gamal: “Yazid began his high school studies as a quiet and smart child, with a lot of motivation and love for the class, his friends and the school. In the twelfth grade he became a serious man, admired by his friends, teachers and all those who came into contact with him in his daily life, and we remember Yazid as a strong, beautiful and serious man. The school principal, Mr. Gamal Falah, added: “Yazid Abdallah was disciplined, courteous, courteous, acceptable to his teachers and fellow students, and grew up in a traditional family that supported him all along the way. . When he completed his studies, Yezid chose to enlist in the army and thought of a military career. He was drafted into the IDF in the middle of August 1991, along with his classmates and assigned to the infantry unit, to the Minorities Unit, where he was assigned as a combat soldier. Yazid was assigned to a sergeant’s course and passed an officer’s exam. His friends and commanders describe him as a veteran and responsible soldier, strong and disciplined. In 1992 there was a turning point in his life when he married Asya, his cousin. Unfortunately, their first son was born before his time and did not see the light of the world, but they hoped they could build their family and began to build their new home. On August 4, 1993, in the Jabaliya area, Yazid was killed during his service. He was brought to eternal rest in his village, Kasra. He was twenty years old when he fell. Survived by a wife, parents, six brothers – Ali, Hadi, Salman, Muzid, and Kid, and Vokad and five sisters – Huda, Naheda, Ashtayak, Rina and ‘Ula. In his letter of condolence to the family, the unit commander wrote: “Yezid participated in difficult and varied training and operational activities, and his commanders testify to unqualified discipline, high motivation and impressive ability as a soldier and as a person.”

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