Aaron, Ezekiel-Chaim

Aaron, Ezekiel-Chaim

Son of Shoshana and Matzliach was born on May 19, 1931 in Jerusalem, and after completing his elementary school he worked as an emissary in the National Committee (his father’s place of work) and excelled in dedication, diligence and diligence in every job he was assigned. After the events of the War of Independence, he was still young, volunteered for the Haganah and served in the Jerusalem Brigade, and in February 1948 he was wounded in the leg During his service in Gush Etzion, after he was cured at the hospital, while his leg was in a cast, he was given a vacation at home Dated on vacation, and is still limping, left the house without the knowledge of parents and joined the defenders of Kiryat grapes. On Wednesday Sivan Independence (06/11/1948) enemy shell hit and killed. That same day he was buried in Sheik-Bader Aleph in Jerusalem. On the 28th of Elul 5710 (10.9.1950) he was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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