Aaron, Elisha (“Lico”)

Aaron, Elisha (“Lico”)

Son of Haim and Tony. He was born on January 1, 1936 in the city of Iasi, Romania. He received his early education at an elementary school there, and when he reached the mitzvah, the family immigrated to Israel. Graduated from the Shaul Tchernichovsky Municipal High School in Netanya. At the age of 17 and a half he forced his parents to sign a declaration in which they agreed that their son would volunteer for the IDF; He joined the IDF in August 1954, completed an officers’ course and even took a parachuting course, was a model officer, meticulous in his order, and at the same time he behaved well with all his subordinates, always full of life and joy and playing with his favorite accordion. Said that after his release from the IDF he studied law and international relations at the Hebrew University, but on Friday, October 11, 1956, about four months before his release, he fell in battle around Qalqiliya. After his death, he was promoted to lieutenant.

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