שמושקין, מנחם (Menachma)

שמושקין, מנחם (Menachma)

Son of-Batya and Shmuel was born on September 23, 1929 in the village of Beit Gan, near Yavne’el in the Lower Galilee, to parents of the Second Aliyah. Menahem began studying at the elementary school in Yavne’el, spent two years studying at the elementary school in Petach Tikvah and returned to Yavne’el. Was a talented, courageous, lively boy. He loved the earth and her work with all his Lev. Once, when his parents told him to sell the farm and move to the city, he objected, and with great devotion, to working in the farm to keep them cultivating their land. He dreamed of merging earthwork and guarding, and at the age of 14 and a half he joined the Haganah and was active in it. Menachem underwent many courses and excelled as a sniper and a saboteur. When he was 17 he enlisted in the Nutras and became a squad commander. From the beginning of the War of Independence he participated in escorting the convoys to Tiberias and back. On the 14th of Adar I 5708 (February 24, 1948), the Arabs of the Arab village of Lubia blocked the road to Tiberias. At the same time, Sajara’s armored vehicle was confiscated to guard the road after a guard night in the fields. Despite his fatigue, Menahem joined a group of young men from Yavne’el to escort a passenger car to Tiberias. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Beit Gan.

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