Nathan-David Lieser

Nathan-David Lieser

Tan David (Nati), son of Leah and Matityahu, was born on Thursday in Sivan 5725 (25.5.1950) in Haifa. He attended Tel-Hai Elementary School in Haifa. After that he continued his studies at the Urban High School. Zalman Aran in Haifa and the new Holon High School. Nathan was a diligent and diligent student. His teacher tells him that “his attitude around him was serious. He is low on speech and would fulfill his duty with loyalty and love.

He had an extraordinary loyalty to the things he loved and his comfortable temper became a favorite and accepted among his friends and friends. “He was an outstanding athlete, very passionate about football, and represented his school in competitions and championships. He loved to travel around the country, to tour archeological sites and watch the landscapes. He enjoyed music and was very knowledgeable in this field, his friends often tell of his loyalty to his friends, his sincerity and his sentiment, but with a sensitive heart, he was stubborn, knowledgeable, and reluctant to compromise, and he was always ambitious and loyal to his decisions. Any matter that seemed right to him, and took great pains to explain and convince others of the righteousness of his actions. He hid to the dishes, and with a shy smile, silent and refrained from telling himself, his friends always wanted to be close to them, because he was comfortable with everyone and knew how to respect each other’s feelings, and they would be scared of any distance from pride and reluctance and arrogance and kindness. Among his family, he was good and kind and sang joyful life and love in his home. He was a loving and devoted son to his parents and he was very honored. He was preparing to study at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Tel Aviv University, and engaged in various crafts to raise money for his studies.

Nathan was recruited to the IDF in early August 1969. And was posted to the Armored Corps. After the recruitment he took a course in the “Centurion” tank professions. He was a responsible and dedicated soldier, loved by his commanders and well-known to his comrades. He always tried not to worry about his parents, so he never complained about the hard and arduous training, and made sure to write letters home. During the Yom Kippur War, Nati participated in the fighting and the break-in against the Egyptians on the Chinese front. On the 27th of Tishrei 5763 (23.10.1973), the day before the ceasefire came into force, Nathan fought in the “Batzar” area on the banks of the Suez Canal. During an assault, a shell hit his tank and he was killed at the scene. At first he was considered absent, but later his body was identified and he was taken to rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery. Left behind father, mother and sister. After falling, he was promoted to sergeant. Zalman Aran Urban High School in Haifa published a booklet in memory of his students, who fell during the Yom Kippur War, and gave them inside.

The following people have requested to be notified whenever this hero is honored

  • Name: David Silice
    Relationship: Cousin

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