Zror, Chaim

Zror, Chaim

Chaim, son of Rachel and Nissim, was born in the city of Arbil in Iraq in 1943. In 1951, when he was seven years old, Chaim immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Tiberias. Where he studied at Tachkemoni Elementary School and then continued to study for two years in the city’s high school. Haim was a close family member and was bound by love for his parents and the rest of his family. Immediately after graduating from high school, he began to work with his father and brother. His family is known for its close ties and the Yaffa relations between its sons. Family matters were always at the center and life took a prominent place in her life. He was a quiet, modest boy who did not stand out. Slowly and gradually, people discovered the qualities they had. He was serious and reliable, his words always said with seriousness and discretion. He had never underestimated anything small and had taken care of every problem. Chaim invested all his energies in the family business and saw a blessing in his labor. Because he was older in his behavior than his contemporaries, and had an understanding and sensitivity to the plight of people, he was the natural leader of his family. His brothers learned an example from him and tried to imitate him in his way of life and his attitude toward life. The family admired him and used to consult him for any problem they could not find a solution. Chaim bought his world in his peaceful, quiet and humble way. His face was reassuring, confident, and firm in the way he lived. Among his friends, as well as among his family, he was loved and accepted. Friends loved him for his modesty and seriousness and trusted him. They used to be with him and loved to spend hours with him. Many of them would come to consult with him about their problems. They were not afraid to tell him their most painful secrets, for they trusted him and trusted him, as a man and as a friend. Haim loved sports and did not give up sports activities, such as playing soccer. Every Friday friends would gather in one of the lots and play for hours, until the entrance of the Sabbath. In these games he excelled in his physical fitness and muscle strength and stood out as a talented and resourceful player. Haim was drafted into the IDF at the end of November 1960 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he completed basic training in the Armored Corps and completed his training course as a Sherman tank driver, after which he was assigned to a field unit of the IAF. He had a good reputation with his commanders and they rushed him to a tank commanders course, which he completed with complete success, and his commanding officer testified that he had liked everyone in his first days in the unit. “Even when he was appointed a novice instructor, he managed to establish good relations with friends Haim was praised by his commanders and subordinates for his entire service, and after he was released from service he returned to work in the family business as a vegetable merchant. Malka, his childhood friend, set up his home next to his parents’ home, and in the course of the Yom Kippur War Haim took part in the bitter containment battles , Who conducted our forces against the Egyptians in Sinai. His battalion was one of the first to cross the Suez Canal and fought in battles to clear the missile bases deep in enemy territory. In the battle that took place on the 19th of Tishrei 5734 (19.10.1973), his tank was hit by an anti-tank missile and he was brought to eternal rest in the Tiberias cemetery, leaving behind a wife, son and daughter, parents, two sisters and two brothers. Nuffalo was promoted to sergeant.

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