Yelirad, Daniel (“Danny”)

Yelirad, Daniel (“Danny”)

Son of Shlomo and Fela. Was born on the 19th of Adar 5702 (19.2.1950) in Tel Aviv, to his parents who were Holocaust survivors, and his birthday was a big holiday because they saw it as the first sign of the family’s rebirth, But he did not return to Israel until twelve years later, when he found himself in a foreign environment and was initially a bit embarrassed, but quickly adapted to the environment and before he reached the age of six he learned to read and write Portuguese and Hebrew. At the age of ten, he enrolled in the government high school and was accepted for being an outstanding student But Danny himself decided that he would be a pediatrician so that he could help and ease the lives of the suffering and neglected children he had seen on the outskirts of the city, and was influenced by what he saw in the nearby clinic The parents feared that Danny would be in danger of assimilation and that when he finished high school he decided to return to Israel and settled in the development town of Karmiel. There was no limit to Danny’s joy that his dream had come true and that he had returned to Israel, where he could come to the children one day as a pediatrician. Danny enrolled in the regional high school “Yad Natan” near Acre and invested all his energies and Ono to succeed in school. He did succeed in the real and English languages, but failed at the end of the 10th grade. So he decided to stay another year in the classroom and fill in the gaps. He invited his weak friends in English to his home and the help he offered them gave him satisfaction and encouragement. It was not long before Danny managed to fill in the gaps and get a matriculation certificate. Although he was busy studying, Daniel found time to help at home because he was a devoted and disciplined son. From an early age, he began to save money from his pocket money and from the wages he paid for his free time. When the parents asked him why he had done this, he replied: “I have to save my future. When I want to continue my studies or when I am in the army, I will need money. Danny was drafted into the IDF in mid-August 1969. He was proud of being a soldier, not of a foreign country, but of his homeland, which he so desperately aspired to. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya. After he fell down, the class teacher wrote about him: “You were an example of a student struggling, debating and striving from an effort to achieve a goal – to prove that you are still an example of the willpower of a student who came from a foreign country, If you say that you were a living bridge between different parts of the class society, you do not say that your dedication and willingness to help have bridged every gap and controversy of narrow-mindedness, how can you calculate small bills when a person is willing to give everything, In class, you were the organizer of meals on trips when everyone lay helpless on the ground, after a hard day of trekking I was among the only ones in the class, you knew exactly what your goal is and where you are going and actually holding back your inclination to keep learning reserve and have made efforts to comply with the bereaved burner so. ” In January 1970, “Yediot Aharonot” was published in “Yediot Carmiel” as a classmate and one of his classmates. On the first anniversary of his death, his name was commemorated by the Karmiel Local Council (in cooperation with the parents), who improved and equipped the kindergarten there; Every year, on the day of the settlement of Carmiel, there is a soccer game in SisiAnd the winner is awarded a trophy to the winning team for his name donated by the father of Daniel Yelird z “l.

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