Yaniv, Nissim
Son of Avraham and Esther. Born on 6 June 1949 in Ramat Gan, he studied at the Pardes Elementary School and at the kibbutz high school in Kibbutz Regavim and was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement until he left for the kibbutz. Nissim was drafted into the IDF in the middle of August 1967. He took a driving course and excelled in his service as a soldier, fighter and exemplary member of his comrades in arms. When he came to visit the farm, he inquired about the fate of his friends and asked each one of them, and with concern and love he accompanied the kibbutz home from afar and made sure that his friends knew about the whole fetus. On April 10, 1970, he took part in an operational operation north of Kantara, and when he did so, he died, riding a mine. He was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery. His commander wrote a letter of condolence to his parents and noted that Nissim was an outstanding soldier and very dedicated to his duties, because he would undertake every task and make sure to carry it out perfectly. In “Shiva” for his fall, Kibbutz Regavim issued a “contact page” for the boys, friends and seeds far from the house, with a full page dedicated to his memory. This page tells about Nissim, who came from a warm parents’ home but that he sought his way in life, a path to independence and self-esteem. In his new home, on the kibbutz, he found his place. He stood out as an adult and in his responsibility, and the burden of education and social cohesion was considered as all members of the agriculture. “He had a special sensitivity to justice and equality, not two classes, not two levels, which he saw as deprivation, lowering the stature of the individual in our society, and he was delighted when we united the classrooms, as if the privilege and honor were restored not only to himself, In the burning seasons and the long shifts we saw him returning from the messiah, dusty, sweaty, but smiling, and in the evenings sat with the members of the branch at one of the tables in the dining room as a partner for tomorrow’s work. He was early to enlist in the year, because he was in the army “- and this, he says in the list,” he did out of loyalty to the homeland, Ah himself to jump in and see my parents and members of the agriculture, as is peaceful, smiling, calm, relaxing and safe “.