Weissberg, Yotam (Yotke)
Ben Yehudit and Itai. Yotam was born on April 21, 1990. An older brother to three sisters – Noam, Gili and Roni. Yotam was born in Kiryat Ono. Before he was one year old, the family moved to Pardes Hannah and from there to Binyamina, where he grew up. “On April 19, 2009, Yotam enlisted in the IDF. in Operation Tzuk Eitan in July 2014 Yotam was a professional and demanding commander who also knew how to be lenient towards inexperienced young soldiers. Yotam fell in the line of duty on the 24th of Tishrei 5766 (October 7, 2015). He was killed when an explosion occurred in his car as he drove toward the base. Yotam was twenty-five years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Binyamina. Survived by parents and three sisters. On Yotam’s tombstone, the family wrote: “You come and live, love and ask, conquer and give, and then you touch and travel and we remain loved and lacking …”