Vickers, Oren
Ben Dina and Ilan. He was born on the 13th of Cheshvan 5737 (November 8, 1973) in Givatayim. Oren was the only child of his parents, a quiet, friendly and acceptable boy, handsome, tall and bright-faced. Oren studied in Holon, where he moved to live with his family. He began at Revivim Elementary School and completed his studies at the Mikve Israel High School in the biological track, with a full matriculation certificate. Oren was a good student, had a talent for learning English and had a good command of English. He spent a lot of time on computers and software and acquired a high degree of skill in this subject. Toward the end of his high school studies, he showed seriousness and devoted all his time to preparing for the matriculation exams and indeed succeeded successfully. His ambition was also evident in that his mathematics examiner came up once again to improve his score, which he succeeded with great success. Oren led a daily sporting life. He practiced, ran, was a good swimmer, studied karate for several years, rode bicycles on family walks and played tennis well. He was introduced to classical music and could sit for hours listening to the works of Mozart, his favorite composer. Oren loved to read literature and popular science books. Oren was quiet, very kind and quite acceptable. When he was six his parents divorced and he lived alternately with both of them. A few times he visited abroad, both on behalf of the school, in a youth delegation to France and with his father, to Greece, Rhodes, Spain, Portugal and Romania, and his father loved these trips and it was a pleasure to travel with him because he was comfortable and not spoiled He was a devoted son and a friend, and Oren was drafted into the IDF in the middle of August 1992 and assigned to the Military Police Corps. After training in basic training, and after completing military officers course, he was assigned to the IAF in the central region as a military policeman. According to his commanders, Oren performed his duties well and was a quiet and polite soldier, acceptable to all his friends, serious and reasonable. On the 6th of Cheshvan 5754 (November 6, 1993) Oren fell during his service in a car accident. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon. He was twenty years old when he fell. Survived by his parents. In a letter of condolences to the family, his commander wrote: “Oren served as a military policeman in the unit for more than a year, and was very well known and respected by his commanders and friends. “He said.