Vashdi, Shalom

Vashdi, Shalom

He was the youngest son of his parents Zechariah and Haviva. He was born on January 2, 1952, in Moshav Beit Arif, where his parents, who immigrated to Israel in the Magic Carpet in 1949, underwent many transformations, first in Ein Shemer and later in Beit Arif, They moved to Rehovot, where his older brother was admitted to the Porat Yosef yeshiva there, and as a member of a religious family, and with the desire to give their son, whom they had devoted all their attention and love, an education in the spirit of Jewish tradition, In his studies, Shalom successfully completed the school, and his teachers liked him for his shyness, kindness and cheerfulness, and for his friends he was accepted for his willingness to help them and to behave in friendship At first he went to the vocational school in Ashdod and prepared to study mechanics there, but he did not find his place, and returned to his seat, so as not to sit idly and not to be a burden to his parents , Went to work in the flour mill in Rehovot and at the “Pri Tnuva” company in the city, where he worked as a plumber at the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he worked almost until his enlistment To the IDF. He was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-November 1969. On the morning of the 25th of Adar 2 5706 (April 1, 1970), he fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Rehovot.

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