Tzur (Mansur), Joseph (“Yossi”)

Tzur (Mansur), Joseph (“Yossi”)

Son of David and Tzipora. He was born on July 7, 1950 in Rishon Letzion and attended the Vitkin School and the Ariel High School in Rishon Letzion. His most prominent traits were love of man and tenderness and childhood was a friend of every person and tried to understand and help others in distress or as a partner for joy. As a child he was active in the Haoved Vehalomed youth movement and excelled in his willingness to volunteer for any action. Was an excellent athlete and used to play mainly in soccer and basketball. He was a good swimmer and when he was 15 he saved three of his friends from drowning. Yossi had a good-hearted personality. Staying with him was an experience of entertainment and joie de vivre and it was no wonder that he was always surrounded by many family and friends who sought his closeness. He was the noblest of his calm and good-heartedness over everything. Was devoted and loyal to his two brothers and his parents, who trusted him and were encouraged by his charming personality. He was handsome and high-class, kind and noble-minded and exemplary. Yossi was drafted into the IDF in 1968, completed basic training as an outstanding trainee, and then completed a course for commanders. During his service he participated in excellence in operational missions beyond the enemy lines and in Israel, he excelled in all his duties in the unit, both in command of his soldiers and in his role as a symbol of sabotage. On 25.7.1970, Sgt. Yosef died of wounds that had been injured the previous day by a bazooka attack on the Golan Heights and had been laid to rest in the cemetery in Rishon Letzion. The players of the Hapoel Ramat Eliyahu football team, of which Yossi was a member, named the team of Hapoel Yosef to commemorate him; A natural room in the elementary school where he studied was named after “Chidar Yosef”.

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