Trebolus, Eliyahu

Trebolus, Eliyahu

Son of Mazal and Hanoch, was born in December 1905 in Jerusalem, the second generation of native-born Israelis When the situation in Jerusalem worsened during the War of Independence, Eliahu was one of the leaders who claimed to arrange a line that would involve all the members in trips to places of danger. And when his turn came on April 13, 1948, he set out to lead the passengers to Mount Scopus, and the road to Mount Scopus passed through the Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, and when the war broke out, the movement was allowed to mount convoys secured by the British army. On April 13, 1948, a convoy left Mount Scopus after the British promised the road was open and safe, and the convoy encountered an Arab ambush in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and hundreds of Arabs torched it. In the ambush, the convoy members fought for many hours and tried to prevent Arabs from approaching the vehicles, fire from our positions in the city and Mount Scopus, Armored sent to the scene were unable to assist the convoy. British troops who were there did not intervene and did nothing to help, despite them. Afternoons Arabs managed to set fire to two buses full of passengers. Only late in the evening the British intervened and rescued the survivors from the trapped vehicles. Eliyahu was among those who perished. He was buried in Sanhedria. He left a wife and two daughters. On April 24, 1952, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Yerushalayim.

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