Tinkel, Zelig
Son of Gitel and Nachum Ben Tzion. He was born on the 9th of Nissan, April 4th 1911, in Zajar, Lithuania. In 1936, he immigrated to Eretz Israel and joined the labor battalion in Givat Michael. After the outbreak of World War II, he volunteered for Hebrew units in the British Army and left his wife and two small children in the farm. He was assigned to the Second Battalion, during which he was transferred to the front in Italy. There he steeped on a mine was transferred to the battalion medical station where he died of his wounds on the 30th of Nissan,April 13, 1945. Zelig was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Ravenna, Italy. He left behind a wife, a daughter and two sisters. His name is also commemorated in the book” The Jewish Brigade.