Shushan, Patrick

Shushan, Patrick

Patrick ben Hanina and Francois was born in Tunis on May 12, 1961. Brother to Claude, Michel, Yossi, Sonia, Shimon and Eliezer. In 1963, Patrick immigrated to Israel with his parents and older siblings. At the beginning of August 1979, Patrick enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces and was assigned to the Intelligence Corps. Patrick was a loving and devoted family man and sensitive to the suffering of others. Friendship and loyalty were a supreme value for him. He would take over the problematic soldiers at Training Base 15, cultivate them, and turn them into professionals. In April 1998, Patrick contracted a malignant disease, and two weeks after his discovery, he was overwhelmed by the illness. Senior sergeant Patrick Shushan fell in the line of duty on Israel’s 50th Independence Day, on the 5th of Iyar, May 1st 1998. He was thirty-seven when he died. He was laid to rest in the Herzliya military cemetery. Patrick left behind a wife, a son and two daughters, a mother, five brothers and a sister.

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