Shinuvelogah, Zelig
Son of Bryna and Aryeh (Leib) was born in 1924 in the city of Poltosk, Poland, and finished elementary school. During the Second World War, he and his family went into the Russian occupation zone. They were sent to slave labor in the Siberian forests and after the Stalin-Sikorski agreement were allowed to go south, to Central Asia. Zelig experienced all the hardships experienced by the refugees until the end of the war. After returning to Poland, he joined Kibbutz Halutzi in Sosnowiec and set out on the “Bericha route” to Vilna. Zelig immigrated to Palestine in 1947 with forged documents of a soldier in the British army returning home. He was caught and spent three months in prison. After his release he began to work. In his letter to his parents dated March 3, 1948, he wrote about reward operations in Arab neighborhoods in Haifa and a successful operation against 600 Arabs from Syria who attacked a point on the northern border, and after During his two hours of fighting, only 400 of them succeeded in returning to Syria, and this was only because British soldiers felt their help. “There were often clashes between the British and our units. “After stopping the invasion of the Jordan Valley, our forces took the initiative and attacked the Gilboa area, and after gaining control of the Gilboa ridge, the Carmeli Brigade attacked on the night of 2 June 3, Jenin and occupied the outposts that control the city The Iraqi army, which moved to Samaria after its failure in the Jordan Valley, concentrated its forces and attacked it, and under this attack our forces were forced to retreat. On August 20, 1950, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.