Shaiovich, Zvi (Herman)

Shaiovich, Zvi (Herman)

Son of Frida and Shlomo, was born on February 26, 1922, in Berlin, the capital of Germany, and arrived in Palestine as part of Youth Aliyah in February 1939 and joined the youth group at Kibbutz Rodges (near Petach Tikvah) and later moved to Kibbutz Shluhot Beit Shean.) In 1946 he left the kibbutz and moved to Beit Vegan in Jerusalem to study in a seminary for religious instructors, where he joined the Palmach. For a while he was in the Efraim Park near Tel Mond and was the quartermaster there. After that, he returned to Jerusalem. He loved to be alone and his nature was closed. Zvi participated in the War of Independence and fell in battle at the Shaar Hagai outposts in the Beit Mahsir area on Wednesday, May 13, 1948. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim.

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