Rudy, Alexander-Zosia

Rudy, Alexander-Zosia

He was born in 1896 in Poland, where he grew up and was raised to Guta-Tova, and the two raised their four daughters, Leah, Sarah, Geula and Miriam, on the values ​​of Zionism.In 1932, at the age of thirty-six, He was arrested by the British, imprisoned in Acre and deported to Poland Two years later, he returned with his wife and four daughters, and his parents and brother remained in Poland and perished in the Holocaust. Abandoned her home despite the events of 1936-1939 and World War 2. In those days a guard was organized in the neighborhood, and naturally Rudy took part in the mission. In early 1948, members of the Haganah began constructing the Shabtai Levy building in Haifa, which was intended to serve as a barricade against the bullets of the Arabs who were shot from the lower city towards Hadar. Went to Haifa, since it involved a life-threatening situation, Rudi, a member of the Haganah, believed that everyone had a role to play during wartime and his task as a foreman at Solel Boneh was to quickly finish building the Shabtai Levy building. On March 4, 1948, as he was making his way to the Shabtai house, Rudi was severely wounded by a sniper and died of his wounds on the way to the hospital. He was fifty-two when he died. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Tzur Shalom cemetery. Survived by his wife and four daughters.

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